Monday, March 15, 2010

Reinventing your life or what to do when you retire

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I came across this video while checking news updates since we don't have tv reception.

I wish I could do what this lady is doing. I'm sure having a 6 figure salary helped a lot once she stopped working.

If the video doesn't work here, you can see it at this link:

I'm already doing the knitting and/or crochet everywhere I go since it's the only way I will sit patiently while waiting to see a doctor (7 hours), for a bank teller (15 minutes), waiting to get blood work done (3 hours), in line at the grocery store, waiting at the pharmacy (20 minutes), sitting on a transit bus/train (up to 5 hours return trip), and anywhere else a person has to wait to get service, even while on hold! The only thing I haven't mastered yet is knitting while walking. I need to see the ground where I'm stepping and I have to wear magnifying glasses to see what I'm working on. Not a good mix LOL

I have a long way to go yet insofar as producing any kind of pattern or finished work that people would want to buy. I'm only getting my feet wet at this point and have a long road ahead of me.

Kudos to this lady for doing what she's done. If I accomplish even a quarter of what she's done, I'll be happy.


Pink Feather Paradise said...

Thats amazing and definitely where I want to end up... not so much the earning a living from it but I would love to teach people to crochet and to slow down and breath... so many people are just racing and not slowing down enough to breath!

did your book arrive yet? I posted it about a week and a half ago...fingers crossed it arrives safely this time! lol

x Alex

Anonymous said...

Hey you! You are right at the edge, ready to publish some patterns! You don't have to have a ton ready you know. Just jump in at Rav with one and see what happens!!! Gotta start somewhere. I'll test knit the little baby hat for you and then get going! It's darling and different and I think people would love it. :) You could get a big styro ball to set it on for photos. :)