You know your temp job is mind numbing when...
- you catch yourself working out a pattern in your head while doing data entry or sorting and filing parking tickets for the city.
- you actually wish you were home working on your knitting Christmas list.
- hold entire conversations in your head just to keep yourself from falling asleep.
- you plan out ways to shut off your coworker's singing without being rude because she sings to every song on the radio.. off KEY!
- you zone out and sadly realise you've been entering the wrong data!
- you watch the clock hands crawl towards lunch and then go in reverse for the end of the day... or so it feels
- you check your email at lunch and actually look at the spam email for entertainment!
- you are grateful when someone else walks into the room.
- you take a butt break even though you don't smoke
- you keep telling yourself that it's only a temp job and you need the money
- You look like you have the hang over to end all hang overs at the END of the day!
That is one thing I have come to realise. I do not want to do data entry full time! I'm a gemini, the repetition is killing me!!! LOL
"hold entire conversations in your head"
Don't worry, that's just the old age dementia setting in imo :D
Gee, Mr. MarieAngel is brave! I'd run too LOL. I do that on the best of days...lets me know I'm not that boring and have the mentality to talk to adults rather then children all day long..specially my 3yr old LOL. I love reading your blog, it always makes me smile!
Dementia huh, I'll give you dementia!
Remember last time you cruised for a bruising? :P
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