Saturday, October 23, 2010

Progress Report

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No worries folks, I'm still here.
I haven't posted much about anything I've been knitting/crocheting in the last few weeks and there's a very good reason for that. My dearest daughter's birthday is the 26th and I didn't want her to see what I've been up to. I know she reads my blog faithfully so I had to be quiet ;)

But soon I will be able to post photos since she will be getting her gifts on Wednesday! And I'll make sure to take photos of her with what I've been doing :) So until then, Mum's the word!

Oh and since I have photos, here's some gratuitous kitty porn and some cute stuff and funny stuff too!

Now tell me, who can resist that?

Just one of those things...

I agree with her, who's got a problem? uh? uh? not me! LOL

His favorite perch in the summer

Doesn't he just look as comfy as a cat can be?

PS. I can hardly wait to see the look on her face!


Karen said...

Oh gosh! The suspense is killing me! LOL Can't wait!!! We are going to have such fun on Wednesday!

Love you!

Anonymous said...

Heee heeeeeee !!!! I know what the presents are! :) I'm not telling. :) samm